Rebirth of The Egyptian Kitchen

It's been 11 years that I've been running this blog. While some may have used the namesake 'The Egyptian Kitchen' for their own uses....*ahem.....the blog has remained here and a testament to the need for an Egyptian recipe blog. 


Well Egypt makes headlines for a lot of reasons, but rarely for its rich culinary tradition. 

But Egyptian cuisine puts pragmatism at the centre of its cooking. It's one element that you'll find across the country among the people. Egyptians are famously or notoriously pragmatic. Something is broken, you find a way to fix it; it may not be pretty but it works. Same with our cooking. It's not dolled up like dishes from Lebanon, or with the sophistication of the Turks. 

But they are wholesome, easy to make and above all, packed with taste and history. So on this occasion of marking 10 years of providing you with recipes and history and stories, I am doing a little remodelling. 

Do let me know what you think!! What's missing? What's needed? 

And I'll step it up as we enter 2021 with more recipes to keep you going.



  2. Just bought a bag of dried Jews Mallow and had no idea what to do with it. Google led me to your door. Im so glad. Alhamdulillah..

  3. I'm sorry but the whole Egyptian cuisine is pragmatic and Turkish is sophisticated is not true. In all countries , there is a difference between what people cook at home and the classic cuisine of kings , etc. The long history of feudalism in Egypt and other countries is a reason for that. In old egypt, An early version of fattah ; basbousa, etc was made in the kitchens of palaces, while the normal farmers cuisine focused more on bread legumes and bread , while birds meat (chicken , ducks etc) was eaten from time to time. The Fois gras that france is known for have its origins in egypt, where early Egyptians observed that goose fattened themselves before migration and when they ate them they found that their liver taste better . They then imitated that natural process and fattened ducks and goose (forcibly feeding them) until it was time to slaughter them. Farmers in Egypt still do that

    1. Hi Rowan. Of course nothing is an either or situation; I am simply describing Egyptian cuisine as I know it, and how it's eaten and prepared primarily by my family and close family friends. Many of the dishes commonly eaten today do have their origins from the Ottoman palaces or the farmer's kitchen. But either way, Egyptian cuisine is not well known by outsiders and my goal has been to introduce people to that. Thank you for the interesting history though on the fois gras.

  4. Glad to hear you’re back! This is my go to place for Egyptian dishes that I remember growing up with.


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